Proverbs 32: The Virtuous Man

In the fabric of the biblical spiritual literature, the book of Proverbs stands as a timeless guide, transcending human comprehension, offering wisdom on a spectrum of life’s challenges. Within its pages, the virtuous woman is celebrated, her attributes detailed with reverence and admiration. Drawing inspiration from this piece, my goal is to weave an additional narrative—a 32nd chapter, if you will—this time focusing on the counterpart to the virtuous woman: the ideal virtuous man of God. This article is crafted with the intention of serving as a beacon for women who are navigating the waters in search of a partner who embodies godly virtues.

Proverbs 32 (Carlos Standard Version lol)

32 Listen, my brothers, to the wisdom your Father imparts,
2 The lessons learned from a life lived in the fear of the LORD.
3 A noble character is the mark of true royalty.
4 More to be cherished than wealth or the acclaim of men.

5 A worthy man, who can find?
He is more valuable than a hundred cities.
6 The heart of his wife trusts in him without fail;
In him, she rejoices boldly.

7 He does her good, and not harm,
all the days of his life.
8 He seeks wisdom and honor, and works with willing hands
he is to be found in the temple of the Lord,
and prostrate at the feet of the Almighty.

9 A man of God does not chase after fleeting pleasures,
10 Nor does he let indulgence cloud his judgment.
11 His strength is wielded for justice, not for oppression,
his voice, a fortress for the voiceless.

12 He is a beacon of truth in a world of deceit,
guiding the poor and the needy to safety and peace.
13 His hands are not only strong but open,
freely giving, loving without reservation.

14 The righteous man shuns the path that leads to ruin,
pursuing the paths laid out by God instead.
15 He runs not after the pleasures that fade at dusk
but seeks the eternal light of truth and the LORD’s goodness.

16 He embraces virtue with zeal.
17 Fights for the precepts of God,
proclaims the testimony of the LORD.
18 In total surrender he lays down his life.
19 Leading with foresight, shielding with courage,
endowing with patience and kindness.

20 In him, the fruits of the Spirit lay bare;
a testament to God’s transformative power.
a beacon of God’s love, a pillar of strength,
a sacrifice to the Divine.

Valiant Man

21 Before dawn breaks, he stands in
communion with the LORD.
22 His work is an offering,
his sweat a prayer for his family
and those under his care.
23 He is prudent in his dealings, wise in his investments,
24 Cultivating a legacy that will nourish for many generations.

25 In his heart is a fountain of mercy and forgiveness,
from which flows deeds of compassion,
26 Cloaked with humility and sacrifice,
armed with resolve, he faces life’s
tempests with quiet confidence.
30 His speech, seasoned with grace,
uplifts the weary, mending the broken,
fortifying the faltering.

31 At the gates, he is respected,
not for riches nor dominion,
32 But for his integrity;
his commitment to what is righteous and true.
33 His wife, his children, they praise him,
not for his achievements,
34 But for his steadfast love, his unwavering presence,
his awe and fear of the LORD.

35 “Many have done well, but you serve them all,”
36 Charm and strength are fleeting,
but a man who fears the Lord is to be cherished.
37 Let him be honored for his faithfulness,
for his devotion to God’s ways,
38 For in doing so, we honor not just the man,
but we glorify the God he serves.

Quest for the Virtuous Man

The quest for a virtuous man—a partner who mirrors the strength, wisdom, and integrity reflected in God—is a journey of profound importance. It is not merely about finding someone who aligns with superficial preferences but about seeking a companion whose life is rooted in the fear of the Lord, whose actions reflect the depth of his faith. The qualities of such a man are diverse yet interconnected, forming a tapestry of righteousness that is both inspiring and aspirational.

First and foremost, the ideal man of God lives in reverence to his Creator. His decisions, his actions, and the very essence of his being are infused with an awareness of the Divine. This foundational trait is the bedrock upon which other virtues stand. He is a man of integrity, whose word is as unshakeable as his faith. In a world where truth can be elusive, his honesty and trustworthiness shine like beacons in the night.

Marks of a Man of God

Compassion and kindness are the hallmarks of his interactions. He extends his hand to the needy, his heart to the broken. His strength is wielded not in dominance but in service, defending those who cannot defend themselves and uplifting those who have fallen. His love is not a shallow stream but a deep, flowing river, nourishing all who come into his presence.

This man of God is also marked by wisdom and prudence. He navigates life’s complexities with discernment, guided by the Holy Spirit in every decision. His leadership within the family and the community is exercised with humility and grace, seeking not his own glory but the upliftment of others. Patience, kindness, and the fruits of the Spirit are the threads woven into the fabric of his character.

My hope in creating this 32nd chapter is not only to outline the qualities that define a virtuous man but also to inspire both men and women to aspire to these ideals. For women, may this serve as a guide in your search for a godly partner. For men, may it be a mirror reflecting the qualities worth cultivating in pursuit of righteousness. May we all, in our journey oflife, strive to embody the virtues that draw us closer to the Lord; for in doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also honor the God we serve.

1 comment
  1. I love this article that artfully describes in verse and syntax the man who is after God’s own heart. It reminds me of the importance of demonstrating light, loyalty, courage, and the pursuit of Biblical wisdom. It’s particularly poignant as we navigate life, ministry, service, and relationships. Finally, like a proverb, It’s a primer for who we aspire to be with God being central in our lives.

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