Waiting on God: Finding Strength in the Storm

Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you,
    and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you.
For the Lord is a God of justice;
    blessed are all those who wait for him.
– Isaiah 30:18 (ESV)

In a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable, where do we turn when everything seems to be falling apart? The book of Isaiah offers us a profound answer, challenging us to find strength not in flight, but in waiting on God. In today’s blogpost we will explore how you can cultivate this powerful practice in your life, drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of Isaiah 30:18.

The context of the crisis in Isaiah 30 is that ancient Israel is in a time of turmoil. The nation is gripped by fear, with many ready to flee back to Egypt—the very place of their former enslavement. It’s in this moment of crisis that God speaks through Isaiah, revealing a truth that still resonates today.

God’s unexpected response is found in Isaiah 30:18.

This verse paints a striking image: the Almighty God, King of the Universe, waiting…for us. Not distant or indifferent, but poised to pour out His grace on those who trust Him. The catch? We must wait too.

The Challenge of Waiting:

This isn’t about passive inaction. Waiting on God in this context means:

  • Being the last one standing in faith when all others have given up
  • Standing firm when others flee
  • Trusting God’s plan when everything seems hopeless

Waiting on God

When you think of waiting on God, what comes to mind? Sitting around? Letting time pass? Waiting without direction? If you picture passive inactivity, it’s time to reshape that image. Waiting on God is far from a stagnant state. It’s an active, deliberate choice to trust in His timing and plan, especially when everything around you urges otherwise.

Imagine yourself standing firm amidst a chaotic situation. While others flee in panic, you choose to root yourself in faith. This is the essence of waiting on God—not just enduring, but thriving in the face of adversity.

Picture a mighty palm tree during a fierce storm. Its branches may sway and bend, leaves may be torn away, but its deep roots keep it anchored. Similarly, when you wait on God, you’re not merely weathering the storm; you’re growing stronger through it. Your faith becomes the bedrock that keeps you steady when everything else seems to be crumbling. This steadfastness isn’t born from naive optimism or blind stubbornness, but from a deep-seated trust in God’s character and promises.

As you stand firm, you become a beacon of hope in a sea of despair. Your unwavering faith serves as a testament to God’s faithfulness, inspiring others who may be on the brink of giving up. This doesn’t mean you won’t feel fear or doubt—these are natural human responses to challenging circumstances. However, waiting on God empowers you to acknowledge these feelings without being controlled by them. It’s about choosing to trust God’s wisdom over your own understanding, His timing over your impatience, and His plan over your preferences.

In this posture of active waiting, you remain alert and ready, like a soldier at his post. You’re not passively killing time, but actively preparing yourself for God’s next move, knowing that even in the seeming silence or chaos, He is working all things for your good and His glory.

The Promise in Perseverance

Your steadfastness in waiting doesn’t go unnoticed. God promises incredible blessings to those who wait on Him. Picture a future where your tears are wiped away, where you dwell in peace, and where your prayers receive swift answers. This isn’t a far-off fantasy, but a tangible promise for those who trust in God’s perfect plan and timing. The encouragement that I have for you is this: the plans that God has for you…He’s about to blow your mind! (Ephesians 3:20-21)

As you persist in faith, you’ll find that God reveals Himself more clearly. In moments of hardship, when you feel fed with the bread of adversity and the water of affliction (Isaiah 30:20), look closely. It’s often in these challenging times that your spiritual eyes are opened to see your Teacher more clearly than ever before.

One of the most beautiful aspects of waiting on God is the clear direction it brings. In a world full of conflicting voices and opinions, wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear a clear, guiding voice? That’s exactly what God promises. As you wait on Him, attune your ears to His guidance. You’ll hear His voice behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21)

This guidance isn’t vague or confusing. It’s specific, helping you navigate both the big decisions and the daily choices. Whether you’re turning to the right or to the left, God’s direction will be there, clear and unwavering.

Standing Firm When Others Flee

It’s easy to wait on God when everything is going well. The real test comes when chaos erupts, when your foundations seem to shake, and when those around you lose hope. In these moments, you have a choice. Will you join the panicked retreat, fleeing from God like everyone else? Or will you stand firm in your trust in the Lord?

Waiting on God in these moments isn’t just about personal comfort. It’s about becoming a beacon of hope and stability for others. As you stand firm, you become living proof of God’s faithfulness, inspiring others to trust in Him as well.

As you cultivate this practice of waiting on God, you’ll find it’s not just about enduring until circumstances change. It’s about being transformed in the process. Your capacity for peace in turmoil will grow. Your ability to see hope in despair will expand. Most importantly, your relationship with God will deepen in ways you never imagined possible.

Today, as you face your own storms and uncertainties, embrace the wait. Choose to trust in God’s timing, even when it doesn’t align with your own. Stand firm when others flee. Listen for His guidance in the chaos. And watch as He transforms not just your circumstances, but your very being.

Remember, in waiting on God, you’re not just passively existing. You’re actively participating in His grand narrative of redemption and grace. So stand tall, rooted deeply in the unshakeable foundation of faith. For it’s here, in this place of trust and patience, that you’ll discover not just survival, but true, abundant life.

A Call to Stand Firm

When life feels overwhelming and others are losing faith:

  1. Don’t run or panic
  2. Plant your feet firmly on the Rock that is Christ
  3. Wait on the Lord with active, expectant faith
  4. Remember that God’s grace often shines brightest in our darkest moments
1 comment
  1. Great message and list that answers the, “Yeah, but how?” questions that arise when you’re exhausted, in emotional tumult, and unsure what to do. It’s encouraging to know and remember all of us face challenges at one time or another whether because of our own actions – or the actions of others. I’m reminded that every person in the Bible, whom we can examine, whether prophet or believer faced crisis and yet chose faith and trust. All of us have the same opportunity to trust, hope, and act now as they did then. Amen 🙏🏽

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